
Shipping Policy

As we already noticed, all our products are manufactured and shipped from India. That is why the delivery to your country takes some time. In general the shipment time takes near 10-17 days but there are some cases due to which it can be delayed but not more than 5 days.

If you did not receive the package after this term, please, immediately contact our service. We will try to know the reason and will do everything to emend this situation to your credit.

Withdrawal of Order

After you submit the order but for some reasons you want to cancel it, please, contact our support team for acceptance the withdrawal. You should contact us by phone or e-mail and notify about the cancellation. Please, do it within 24 hours after order submitting. We will not process the cancellation if you will contact us after 24 hours.

Carefully check the valid shipping address that you fill in the order form during order submitting in order to avoid the mistakes. Please note, that any mistakes in the address could be the reason of not receiving the product. If after order submitting you notices any mistake, immediately contact the service team for correction the information.


How to Make the Refund

We offer not brand-name pills but generical equivalent to them. Nevertheless it does not mean these medications are not good, all pills have the same chemical structure and have the same medical effect. We are the guarantee of our quality.

But if you notice that the effect of our pills is not like you have do not hesitate to contact our information service for starting the refund procedure. You will receive our return address with your order. When our returns department will receive your product back we will start the refund procedure.

But please, read carefully the given instruction and take the right dosage of pills u need before starting to contact us. Also be sure, that you don’t eat fatty food and don’t drink alcohol during the period you take the medicine, because the effects can be slowed down.

If you did not receive the package in time, after specified period (period contains 10-17 days for delivery, and also 5 days for additional delay for the customs checking is possible), you have the right for refund. For that, please contact our support team. We will reimburse your fully payment to your credit card. The period of refund procedure contains near 5-7 business days. After processing all data (during this period) we will return your payment to your credit card.

As our products have the specific nature we cannot accept returns in general. This type of products should have the special storage conditions during transportation and as we disclaim liability during transportation we cannot guarantee that all storage conditions are met. This is the reason why we cannot accept the medicines even if the package remains unopened.


Rules of Confidentiality

It is very important for us to protect the privacy information of our clients. So we guarantee that all you information, given to us, is protected. We guarantee that all confidential information is not given to other companies or third party service providers.

Be sure, that all transactions which are made in our checkout page are 100% secure. In order to protect the confidential information of our clients we use 256 bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, so the data you give to us is encrypted. Also we guarantee that our billing servers are protected by independent and reputable agencies which are in turn the guarantee of keeping your information safe and private.

No one has the access to your credit card information, even our customer support operators as they can see only the last 4 digits of your credit card which are reflected in our database.


Terms and Conditions

This web site and all this contents are created and should be used only by residents of Cyprus. Please note that the use of this web site and any orders of any items through this web site are governed by the law of the Republic of Cyprus. All orders should be done from Cyprus and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Cypriot courts.

If you want to use this site you should do the registration procedure. Important: you must be over 18 and a resident of Cyprus. You should give the true information about yourself. You take the responsibility while using this site and for your orders so you should guarantee the secure of your log-in detail to block the access to third-part to misuse them.

The web-site content is prepared by Centralux limited has taken. To the full extent permissible by law Centralux Limited disclaims any warranties with respect to this web site content. The terms are not fixed and may be varied any time.

Centralux Limited, its directors or related companies are not liable for any losses or claims arising directly or indirectly during use of this web site with the exception that this exclusion of liability does not apply to any damages in connection with death or personal injury caused by the negligence of Centralux Limited, its directors or employees.

All information, given at this web site is for information purposes only and not answers for professional medical advice. The web site is created only for support, not replace, the advices which you receive from your healthcare providers. It is very important to read all product packaging and labels carefully and with big attention prior to use the medicine. Before purchase any pills for your health you should consult your doctor first. If you have any problems with health or you suspect you have it and if you are already under medical care, please certainly consult your doctor before taking any medicines.

The links which you will see on this web site to other web sites are given for your interest only. Centralux Limited does not execute the control over these sites and has no responsibility or liability for their content. These links do not imply any support of content.

In case, if any of these terms are invalid or has no force any more then the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions are not affected.

Our website is created as the proposition to treat. Centralux Ltd has the right to accept or decline any order specified by a customer without giving the reason. After you place an order we will receive this information on our website and you will receive the confirmation email than. All orders are checking by pharmacist and all items are checked by Centralux Ltd and after this the contract is deemed to be made. In order to receive the package we should receive your real address, the orders with given P.O. boxes will not be processed.

Some words about shipping the medicines to the USA. Please note that such delivery is subject to the control of the US Customs and the FDA during the crossing of US border. There is the possibility of delay or non-delivery of your order. Centralux Ltd is not liable in such case for the package and cannot guarantee the specified delivery term of your order and in instances where your order is seized by US customs. In such cases Centralux Ltd cannot offer a refund for orders not delivered under such circumstances. Making the order to the USA you therefore agree and understand your responsibility for possible delays of your order that may occur, and also, in case if US customs seizing your order, all costs will be borne by you in full.

These terms and conditions are without prejudice to your statutory rights as a consumer.

Any product offers on this site is available and can be purchased until it is present at the store.


AUP (Acceptable Use Policy)

Here is the document where the information of Acceptable Use Policy is given. It is the integral part of your Agreement with Centralux Ltd including the following list of Prohibited Activities. Remember that in case if you engage in any of the activities prohibited by this AUP document Centralux Ltd may suspend or terminate your account.

Acceptable Use Policy (further “Policy”) of Centralux Ltd’s which is done for Centralux Ltd Services is developed for Centralux Ltd, Centralux Ltd’s customers and the Internet community protection from irresponsible or illegal activities which can occur. The “Policy” document contains non-exclusive list of the actions which are prohibited by Centralux Ltd. Centralux Ltd reserves the right to modify the Policy wherever they need.


Illicit Use of Centralux Ltd Systems and Services:

  1. It is prohibited to execute the transmission, distribution or storage of any material which violates any applicable law or regulation. Includes, without limitation, the use of trade secret or other intellectual property right without proper authorization, also the use of material that is obscene, defamatory, constitutes an illegal threat, or violates export control laws.
  2. It is prohibited to send Unsolicited Bulk Email (“UBE”, “spam”). It is prohibited to send any form of Unsolicited Bulk Email through Centralux Ltd’s servers. Also the sending of UBE from another service provider advertising a web site, email address or utilizing any resource hosted on Centralux Ltd’s servers, is prohibited. Centralux Ltd accounts or services cannot be used by solicit customers, it is prohibited to collect replies and messages from another Internet Service Provider where those messages violate this Policy or from the other provider.
  3. Running Unconfirmed Mailing Lists. It is prohibited to subscribe e-mail addresses to any mailing list without the express and verifiable permission of e-mail address owner. All mailing lists from customers of Centralux Ltd must be Closed-loop (“Confirmed Opt-in”). Each owner address subscription confirmation message received by company is kept on file for the period of mailing list existence. It is prohibited to purchase the lists of e-mail addresses from third parties for mailing it from any Centralux Ltd-hosted domain, or referencing any Centralux Ltd account.
  4. It is prohibited to execute the advertising, transmitting, or otherwise making available any software, program, product, or service given to violate this AUP or the AUP of any other Internet Service Provider, which includes, but is not limited to, the facilitation of the means to send Unsolicited Bulk Email, initiation of pinging, flooding, mail-bombing, denial of service attacks.
  5. It is prohibited to operate an account on behalf of, or in connection with, or reselling any service to, persons or companies from the list of Spamhaus Register of Known Spam Operations (ROKSO) database at www.spamhaus.org.
  6. The unauthorized attempts by a user in order to receive access to any account or computer resource not belonging to that user (e.g., «cracking») are prohibited.
  7. It is prohibited to avoid payment by obtaining or attempting to obtain service by any means or device.
  8. Unauthorized access, alteration, destruction, or any attempt to information of Centralux Ltd customers or end-users by any means or device is prohibited.
  9. It is prohibited to engage in any activities designed to harass, or do any actions which can cause a denial-of-service (e.g., synchronized number sequence attacks) to any user whether on the Centralux Ltd network or on another provider’s network.
  10. Do not use Centralux Ltd’s Services to interfere with the use of the Centralux Ltd network by other customers or authorized users.


Responsibility of the Customer for its Users Actions

The customer of Centralux Ltd is responsible for all his users and for their activities in the web-site, and by accepting service from Centralux Ltd, guarantees that its customers/representatives or end-users are acquainted with this Policy. All complaints about customers/representatives or end-users of Centralux Ltd customer will be forwarded to the Centralux Ltd customer’s postmaster for action. In case of any violations of the Centralux Ltd Acceptable Use Policy, Centralux Ltd reserves the right to stop the services with the customer from violating Centralux Ltd’s AUP as Centralux Ltd will consider it expedient, without any notice.


Disclaimer of Warranty

  1. We are not responsible, and also disclaim all liability for delay in delivery if this term does not exceed 10 days after the specified estimated date of delivery. The deadline comes after 10 (ten) days of the specified estimated delivery date, or the next business day, if there is the local holiday.
  2. The company is not responsible for failed delivery if the Customer gives an insufficient address, wrong address or in case if the given address does not lead to a successful delivery in any other way.
    Also the guarantee is not active if the delivery is failed in case the Customer failed to claim the package, in case of package refusing or preventing delivery in any other way. In such cases, reships can be executed only via International Regular Mail.
  3. We are not responsible, and also disclaim all liability for delivery of generic product if it does not meet Customer’s expectations by his own criteria like pills color, shape and size, marking printed on pills package, or branded upon pill, marketing name, or in cases when the medicines are made by a manufacturer different from the one Customer expected to get.
    In our web site you can get the full information for any generic product, like thumbnails, product images, manufacturer names and marketing names. All this information is given for information purposes only.
  4. We are not responsible and expressly disclaim all liability for the lack of efficiency of the product if the medicine was purchased for off-label use.
  5. Please be informed, that when you place an order in the web site of our company, you confirm that you have read, understood and agreed with this disclaimer. It is your responsibility for all your actions taken to claim your payment back for any of the reasons listed above, so we will consider such actions as fraudulent action what will lead to legal action and will ban you from our system.