Components of Viagra Soft and their way through the organism

All the properties, concerning pharmacokinetics of Viagra Soft, are as follows: absorption speed, the components’ distribution through the organism, the metabolism, and the substance’s elimination.


Absorption issue

The medicine is quickly absorbed. The concentration becomes the biggest after 20-120 min. It only concerns the taking on an empty stomach. The average time is one hour.

Concerning the bioavailability of the medicine, it reaches 41%. The interval may vary (25-63%). As soon as you have taken Viagra Soft, pharmacokinetics will keep linear. It concerns the amount of 25-100 mg. If a medicine is consumed with any high-caloric foods, the absorption process becomes lower.


Distribution in the organism

As for the concentration distribution, Sildenafil (which is a principal component of Viagra) totals 105 l. It indicates the distribution of this substance in the muscles of the genitals. Sildenafil help circulating M-dimethyl metabolite and is 96% linked to blood proteins.

What concerns the general concentration of the medicine, it is not influenced by the connection with proteins. The showed that the concentration can be 0.0002% for the healthy men, which was proved by the amount found in the semen after 30 minutes. If you take 100 mg just once, there might be found 188 ng.


Metabolism processes

The principal component is collected with the effect of CYP3A4 in 2 ways: a key one with CYP2C9 and an additional one through the liver’s microsomal isozyme. The influence on phosphodiesterase is selective. The metabolism is comparable to Sildenafil, while the concentration of the latest for PDE-5 is compiled by 50%.

Metabolism in the blood reaches 41%, which might be compared to Sildenafil concentration. M-dimethyl metabolite is further metabolized. Partial removal takes 4 hours.


Removal process

Sildenafil is fully eliminated from the blood with the following speed: 41 liters per hour. Sometimes partial removal might take up to 5 hours. If you consumed/vaccinated this medicine, you should know that it would be removed by means of generating metabolites, which are eliminated with both dejection and urine (80% and 20% correspondingly).